Incredible thread, many thanks and public ovation to Oz, for taking the time and sharing the knowledge.
zmetallica said:I i remember back when you did betrayer's rusted icons, and i was like wow this guy can really do drums, but that guitar tone was so muddy (then again that was your old studio). after listening to that sample, you've learned a ton.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:guitarists that refuse to use a tuner are the best.
my foot, their face.
OzNimbus said:That was certainly a while ago! Yeah, things were pretty primitive back then... V drums & solid state amps. ..Don't hold it against me
I'll try and explain sidechaining a little more later on. Right now I'm trying to finish off Black Kreek.
OzNimbus said:In the meantime, check out the drumsound on this clip. There's no sound replacement going on here... it's all natural. - clip.mp3
GuitarGodgt said:lso metronomes are so fucking cheap now you really are a retard for not having one. This message is intended for guitarists....
poundingmetal74 said:While having a metronome doesn't hurt to learn to play to, that's the DRUMMER's job. If he ain't on time, he's not doing HIS job.
MKS said:Guitarists need to practice to click too IMHO. I've heard a few make up their own intergalactic time signatures.
Moonlapse said:You'd be surprised. Have had more than a few guitarists in who can't hold time.
Moonlapse said:You'd be surprised. Have had more than a few guitarists in who can't hold time.