Acoustic guitar micing- how do you guys do it?

ahhh...i didn't even see the 414 under there at 1st glance

it's crazy how much different of an approach is needed for the different types of acoustic guitars. it became clear really fast that having the mics split out to the sides for the classical was just flat-out :puke:
I miked my nylon string with an LDC about in the same place as Colonel Kurtz in his pic, but mine was about 3" farther back and about 6" lower angled up towards the bridge. I also had a SDC over my left shoulder (my fretting hand/arm) pointing towards the fretboard around the 7th fret. It was a good 2-3 feet away. I blended those and phase aligned them and double tracked. For lead lines with the nylong string, I did the same thing and then blended in a bit of the piezo bridge pickup on the guitar for added attack.
A buddy let me borrow a Shure KSM44 and I tried an MS on a whim and holy crap, huge...bassy on the left a bit, but I didn't mess with it. Not bad, mid mike was a 57 btw.
here's the track i recorded with the shown mic setup...

the tracks aren't completely raw - there's a little bit of EQ and a limiter on there, but the limiter only shaved off a fraction of a decibel of the highest peak - i basically used it in place of normalization to bring up the volume across the whole thing
Thanks for all your help with this, guys! I've always struggled to get really good acoustic tones; they never have the depth and detail I want, so all this is a definite help.

Crotch mic for that added spunk to your recordings!