Acoustic Guitar Players


In memory of Chuck
May 2, 2001
Corner Brook Canada
I'm gonna start lookin around for an acoustic to buy ,, any recomendations .

My grandmother has an old El Degas ,,, 1975 model ,, perfect condition ,,, the high E string buzz's when open sometimes,, nothin noticable ,, when she passes on thats what I get ,,, I hear from some older guitarist that's it's worth alot ,,, so i'll be keeping it for sure .. does anybody know El-Degas' site so I can e-mail and find out how much it's worth ,, not that i'd ever sell it ,, I love it too much for that ,, but I'd just like to know ...

A couple guitars i'm lookin to by is either a Sigma by Martin (yes the Opeth ones) or a Carvin ,,, name some good ones please ,,,, later
Most times it happens, its harder to find an affordable good sounding acoustic.I mean if you compare it with electrics.
Taylor makes great acoustics but their too fuckin expensive.If id had to buy one (which im gonna in the near future :) ), id go for a Guild.These ones are canada made, which means high quality wood at an affordable price.Martins are great as well.
Damn, ive been a guitarist some years now and pretty much i got into acoustics only because of Opeth.:heh:
As a personal choise, i would pick a good brand Classical guitar like a Morales some guy i knew owns. The sound is just incredible i love nylon strings+finger picking with long nails.
i used to have classical guitar lessons for quite a few years.I reached an intermediate level of playing.There are some classical techniques that are so AWESOME ( tremolo if youve ever heard), and the overall feeling is pretty different than the acoustic one.I used to have an Admira or somewhat called,not bad but not that good either.
Time for two cents in from a... ACOUSTIC GUITARIST,(gee, imagine that I would find this thread!:D ).

I play a Takamine,(as can be seen by the avatar to your left) and highly recommend anything they make at or above the $600.00 price level. Anything below that and, well, you're taking your chances.

I have played some very nice Sigma's in the past and would easily reccomend one if you are on a tighter budget. Also, Schecter is starting to make some good, affordable acoustics these days. I had one but gave it to my best friend after his guitar was stolen. He seems to be enjoying it quite a bit.

At the end of the day, though, it's all a matter of preference. Buy what feels comfortable to your hands and achieves the sound you're looking for. Acoustic guitars can be very tempermental beasts, so you may want to try one a few times before buying,(I suggest waiting a few days between tries of the same instrument). Your choice is also a matter of one intangible factor: what "feels right" to you. No instrument is as personal, in many different ways, than a acoustic guitar. It's a natural instrument with a natural sound and it needs to be a part of you just as much as it is a member of your musical collection.

Well, hope that helps.... or something.