Acoustic Guitar plugins???


more metal, more booze!!!
hey yall, i was wondering if any of you know any semi decent acoustic guitar simulator plugins which can be used with an electric guitar DI signal? i know it wont beat the real thing, but need that slight simulation rather than a standard clean electric guitar tone.

Ive seen a couple on the net just searching around but would like to know if anyone has had any experience and could reccomend one or two.
I only know a hardware solution: johnson j-station. at least they claiming that it's capable to do it!
and of course the gt/g-pro series from boss.

did you looked at the kvr page already?
If you can find a ProCo Rat pedal somewhere, either a real one, or a simulated one, you should be able to get that acoustic sparkle and stringnoises.
speaking of pedals boss has an acoustic simulator pedal

yeah i know about that, ive used one, and live or through an amp they do ok, but i really wasnt impressed, may sound better in an fx loop from my daw. However id have to buy one and they are pretty expensive, so hence i was after some sort of a plugin, im guessing it would be a good deal cheaper for a basic one?!