Acoustic treatment


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008
Hey everyone, I've read the acoustic tuts on ahjteam's post "All tutorials and requests HERE" they helped a whole lot but where i want to setup my gear is in a weird place. The section where my gear will be is 3/4 of a square but then opens up into a much larger room. I was just seeing if i need to treat just the listening area or the whole damn room. I've posted pics below rotating clockwise from where I want to put my gear. Thanks all.

Where I want to set my gear-






another alternative to diffusion is hang dense fabric... ie: heavy curtains.

trap the corners diagonaly and the riser at an angle.

considering the room with the desk will be your mix position, it will be rather simple to diffuse sound in just that area.

i am working (in my private space) 23x23ft room (roughly 500 sq ft.)

i have 1 door diffuser/4x wave prism centered/8 ceiling minifusors/2 traps/2 wall diffusers and 1 single 4x6 ft, floor trap behind the mix position (all purchased from it's not the best setup but it's moderately comfortable now that i mix at lower levels.

just recently, i was able to put this stuff up... but i am now starting to feel like it's a bit overkill.
Thanks guys. Yeah I basically wanted to treat the area where the desk is as its own room. Also if I were to remove that dresser in the last picture should I bass trap those corners?