acoustic vs. production/live non-acoustic


Heyoka watching Trona
Sep 18, 2003
directly under Ben
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Most everyone here are musicians, right?

Lately, our rock station here has been playing a lot of acoustic material that they've recorded from bands that come through town and stop in there to interview and play. It's the best work i think i've ever heard, far better than their recorded/produced/live non-acoustic material. For bands that seem to be just another regular rock band, it really shows just how talented they are and why they're where they are. My opinion.
Do you find with your own work it's the same? Do you find you like your work much better while writing it and playing for your friends at home? Or do you prefer it after it's recorded, or worked out for non-acoustic shows?
nomana-nuniyan said:
Most everyone here are musicians, right?

Lately, our rock station here has been paying a lot of acoustic material that they've recorded from bands that come through town and stop in there to interview and play. It's the best work i think i've ever heard, far better than their recorded/produced/live non-acoustic material. For bands that seem to be just another regular rock band, it really shows just how talented they are and why they're where they are. My opinion.
Do you find with your own work it's the same? Do you find you like your work much better while writing it and playing for your friends at home? Or do you prefer it after it's recorded, or worked out for non-acoustic shows?

congrats mate, good to know that you`re really interested in music :headbang:, not as many only like their looks.
Bastet said:
haha, no he isn't, but you know, i like dunc even better :tickled:

(btw, susie, danny really needs a haircut!)


I think Dunc used to be very handsome, but he's grown older than Danny, even though Danny's older in years.
But anyway, why don't we just go out and have a drink and a party-kind of thing, I'm so fed up with everything, I wanna dance and laugh.
sorry trona, we really fucked up your thread, eh.
i'm no musician, i only sing now and then. can't say much on the subject...
:( I finally get over my fear for a brief second of thinking everything i'm interested in, or on asking about, or wanting to know, isn't totally idiotic, and get up the courage to i ask it, and then you all go ruin it.