YaYoGakk, forestall acoustic tabs?


Aug 8, 2001
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Your song is amazing, I was wondering if you had made some tabs for the acoustic stuff, id really love to learn new acoustic tunes. And since its from you it would be 100% accurate, if not, do you know any opeth/any bands like opeth that have accurate acoustic tabs?
Sorry i only have my songs tabbed out on sheets of paper lying around the house, nothing computerised.

There are accurate transcriptions of To Bid You Farewell and Benighted around somewhere, i forget the name of that site that has all the best Opeth tabs but you should be able to find it, its been mentioned on this board every time someone asks about opeth tabs so....

its cool that your enjoying my song though, maybe you can transcribe itfor yourself?
I havent heard Forestall yet(its dl'ing as we speak) but from all the praise you got from it on the other thread I have high hopes,just some basic stuff I wanted to ask for tabbing purposes....I MAY give it a try if it sounds like something I could handle :grin:

What tuning did you use?
and and....cant think of anything else now,mind if I bother you again later? :Smokin: