action shots. POST EM!

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
post pics of you playing live.

pre military (aka, when i was a kid)


current day:




right on man ....looks like your in a skinhead band :headbang:

here some pix from a few years back,i haven't done a live show
in just over a year now






this last pic is our practice space
man that Moser Rocks plays like butter,the only thing i hate about it
its fucking huge when its in the case,will not fit in a trunk of a mid size sedan,takes up the whole back seat from door to door,going to be buying another one some time this year
thats cool. i'm interested in their templar series. walnut bodies rock for bass and i think they would be great for guitar.

those imports look overpriced though. 1300 for alder, maple, and rosewood?!
actually he doesn't usually sell his imports through his site
98% of the imports are sold through dealers,except the 2% that are custom painted
check out

Chris is a good guy with good prices,and no tax
My band played a show on the 4th, no pics though. How do you get stills from a video? Cause we have a video but the sound is horrible cause it was filmed right next to the pa.
dude, i want a keytar. fuckin \m/

and i'll check your stuff when i get back home. i'm big on the viking metal. i wish i could find people around here to start a viking band

This is from last summer. Play keys and do lead vox for my Viking/FOlk metal group, Eldgammel. I don't care what anyone says, keytar is fucking rad.

Keytars are awesome, wish I had one or some god keyboard. Is the keytar cheaper or more expensive than a standard keyboard? And does it has something a normal keyboard doesn't?
Here's a really loose interpretation of live musical performance, for Diwali 2007. I'm the white guy.




Here I am writing some melodic black metal, back in December 2005.


EDIT: That exact song is still on my myspace, haha. It's the one called Overture. Damn, I've come a long way since then.
Aha...I'd been curious what your music was like. Good stuff, but sounds like crap in midi. You should get a band together. Those orchestral arrangements and choirs are great...
Thanks, I really appreciate that. I accidentally removed the link from my signature last time I changed it and forgot to put it back in, so I guess I should do that now in case anyone else has been curious, haha.