Actual Iron Maiden Downunder news

That's a fucking AWESOME illustration. If that's on a shirt, I will be first in line for one.

Yeah its a ripper, aint it! If you like that, you should scroll back to page one and see their plane!:headbang: Best looking Jumbo I've ever seen:kickass:
As long as they have floor seats available for members I'll be happy!

My membership is up and running, so I have access to the online stuff. Here's what it says about the pre-sale:

Australia pre-sale
Published: September 5, 2007

Yes, we will be doing a fanclub (online and offline members) pre-sale for the Australian gigs. Watch this space for info over the next couple of weeks.

We're also planning to do First To The Barrier, but as the gigs aren't until February you don't need to worry about that quite yet!
According to a posting on the forum of the official website, Bruce will be on Full Metal Racket on Tuesday night to talk about the tour and such.
Seems like it, Iccy. But I went with the full membership. Can't remember why.

I'd never looked at Eddie's Megastore before but they have some neat stuff. I wouldn't mind getting the big Live After Death poster and getting it framed or something and chucking it on the wall, and the dogtags look neat. My neck is devoid of any form of apparel so that would fill that slot quite nicely.
Yup. There are two clubs, the online club and the offline club. Offline gives you the online plus the mags and such.

And as it says in the bit I posted, pre-sale is available for both online and offline. You'll be fine.
From what I remember of the last 'early access' deal: it's basically a pre-sale, so all ticket types (standing & seated) are available, you just get in early :)

What would be good is if they do the deal to get into the *show* early for their 'first to the barrier' system (meaning FC members are right up at the stage before the commoners are allowed in!). Dunno if they'll do that in Oz tho.