Actual Iron Maiden Downunder news

From what I remember of the last 'early access' deal: it's basically a pre-sale, so all ticket types (standing & seated) are available, you just get in early :)

What would be good is if they do the deal to get into the *show* early for their 'first to the barrier' system (meaning FC members are right up at the stage before the commoners are allowed in!). Dunno if they'll do that in Oz tho.

I seriously doubt they'll do that. How would you police it, anyway? Sure, you could get to the barrier before everyone else, but there's no guarantee you'd stay there. I've been at the barrier at shows before and been shoved aside by people. I'm not sure what the arrangements would be at Acer Arena, anyway. The floor area will most likely be seating like it was for Motley, so the whole "barrier" deal will be pointless.
When Blitzy and I saw them in 05 at Graspop we started off second/third row from the barrier. By the time The Trooper finished we were about row 15 and lucky to be alive. Ever been a human domino?
I've logged on. Here's what it says on the website:

Approaching its first anniversary, the IMOC exists entirely online. The benefits include:

- We'll automatically email you the latest news and offers directly to your inbox
- 'First To The Barrier' - 60 fanclub members plus guest will get special early access to selected gigs, enabling them to get right up to the front of the stage barrier!
- Automatic entry each month into our draw for signed Maiden collectables and rarities
- Access to exclusive content, including studio reports, fanclub-only photographs and videos
- A members-only forum where you can talk to other fanclub members, arrange meets, post your artwork and photographs and lots more.

The Iron Maiden Online club costs just £10 a year to join, and membership is free to existing IMFC members.
When Blitzy and I saw them in 05 at Graspop we started off second/third row from the barrier. By the time The Trooper finished we were about row 15 and lucky to be alive. Ever been a human domino?

No! But in '92 I was up against the barrier, and had to get pulled out by security before they even came on stage!
Hmmm if the floor tickets are general admission, is it worth paying a tenner to get a ticket early? I probably will anyway.

Where was BosPop? Bosnia?
Yeah I must just have to do it then.

Btw Blitzy, I thought you were dead or had eloped with a supermodel or something.
A show like this can literally sell out in less than 10 minutes, so I think it might be worth it.

This is what worries me too, so I just joined now :D

It's only 8.50 pound as well, which worked out to about $18.50. I guess because we don't pay VAT.

Anyone else joined? How long does it tack to come through?
Is there anything in your profile to say as much, Iccy? I can see the heading of "Chat Forums" that says "Members Only", but I can't see forums or posts or anything. What's it say under "Paid Subscriptions" in your profile?
Do we have absolute confirmation that the online club is what we need for early access to tickets tho? Does anyone know how it will actually work, as in, how it will give us access and not the general public? I would just like to know as much about it as possible before joining, is all.
I'm just going for the Ticketek members' option. It's free, and you get offered all tickets two days in advance of general selling. These shows are going to cost a fortune as it is. Bugger paying an extra $25 or whatever it is to sign up to some "fanclub". I bought Xena a year's membership to the Bon Jovi fanclub for Xmas 05 on the presumption that she'd get cheap tickets when they toured AND THEY NEVER FUCKING TOURED HERE. Cunts. Cost me $75 too. Granted, Maiden's pretty much confirmed, but I'm not sure it's worth it. Still, if I miss out on tickets because I didn't sign up I guess it'll serve me right.
For 18 bucks it's a risk I'm willing to take :) (Note that that risk doesn't go all the way to the full fanclub version). I figure now I'll have 3 bites of the cherry. Fanclub presales, Ticketek presales, then general release.