Actual motW topic.


Nov 9, 2001
Hi everyone, I need to obtain a sample (I would rather record it myself from scratch of course) of the sound of crows or larks or some other kind of morning bird, at dawn, next to a lake or pond, being flushed from their place of rest with the flapping of wings and flock vocalizations that resonate over the surface of the lake.

Does anyone know what time of year stuff like this usually happens, or what kind of bird I'm actually thinking of? I have the sound and visualization in my head but I can't pinpoint it.
actually the crow sound is really important too. I wonder if I could make a combination of the two, or if that would sound too artificial?

I think i want a flock of crows, although the loon is cool.
Yeah, the corn fields around here have lots of crows, but not so many around lakes. deadair's got lots of crows there in Iowa too. Might be tough to do. But I dig recording sound fx yourself- i took a minidisc recorder around the streets of Chicago and recorded a bunch of crap- like a guy playing tuba and singing the Beatles' Gotta Get You Into My Life, only he sang Gottat Get You Outta My Life and then there was a screeching car tire and almost an accident right after it.

Fun shit. I would think October, with the corn fields in harvest mode would be a good shot, but the water thing would be hard.