Actual Nevermore-related news item

Not sure how these get started, but FYI, Rhapsody will NOT be at BW&BK 6-Pack Weekend. There WAS a time when we investigated having the band here, but sadly, it's not to be.
Originally posted by MGromen
Not sure how these get started, but FYI, Rhapsody will NOT be at BW&BK 6-Pack Weekend. There WAS a time when we investigated having the band here, but sadly, it's not to be.

Didn't mean to start any rumors (hey, at least I identified them as such), but if you don't mind my asking: "we investigated?" Who are you?
Yes, I do write for Manaics, but also for BW&BK, where I'm helping put together this show. We made an inquiry to Rhapsody. Unfortunately, time and money contraints prevent their participation. We just want people to make an informed decision about whether to attend the BW&BK 6-Pack Weekend, not base it on rumor and innuendo of who MIGHT show up. There is enough uncertainty with multi-day shows in North America, as it is. We do not wish to be viewed in the same light, that is why we're waiting to announce bands "participating" until we have a signed contract in hand, unlike some others, who throw names around, to sell tickets, without a clear plan to ever bring a band in!
Well since they provide my livelihood (teaching high school, not writing! There are only a few metal writers that earn a fulltime living from working for mags in North America), I'm pretty atune to the angst of Amwrican teens. That DOESN'T, however, mean I have to like what they like, or even cover it in the mag. Take a look at the interviews and reviews with my signature and you'll see names like Nevermore, Iced Earth, Destruction, Kamelot, Over Kill, etc. Just imagine what might be in there if someone like myself DIDN'T contribute. BTW, Korn, Slipknot etc are NOT part of Metal MANIACS, but the sister publication Metal EDGE, of which I have no part (thankfully)! Hope that answers the question, now back to discussion about the BW&BK 6-Pack Weekend...
Originally posted by MGromen
Yes, I do write for Manaics, but also for BW&BK, where I'm helping put together this show. We made an inquiry to Rhapsody. Unfortunately, time and money contraints prevent their participation. We just want people to make an informed decision about whether to attend the BW&BK 6-Pack Weekend, not base it on rumor and innuendo of who MIGHT show up. There is enough uncertainty with multi-day shows in North America, as it is. We do not wish to be viewed in the same light, that is why we're waiting to announce bands "participating" until we have a signed contract in hand, unlike some others, who throw names around, to sell tickets, without a clear plan to ever bring a band in!

Excellent clarification, and thank you for making it. But who could you be talking about that DOESN'T do things this way?

*cough* Koshick *cough* :D
Originally posted by Soul of Ice
MGromen - do you like writing for a magazine that covers slipknot, disturbed, Korn, and other shitty bands as well? That magazine is for angry 15 year olds

Dude, when was the last time you actually read Metal Maniacs? I think you've got it confused with possibly Metal Edge, like MGromen pointed out.