
Zosoman said:
Underworld sounds a lot different from Sanctus Ignis. Underworld is much better. Get it now :)
Yeah, its way different that SI. Its darker, heavier, less power metally, more proggy, more symphonic, more melodic....album of the year definatly
Underworld is totally different to Sanctus.. Sanctus is very very straight out neoclassical..Underworld is very very proggy, heavy, dark, fantastic!!

As for SyX clones..absolutely not!!!! Stephan does a couple of similar riffs every now and then to Romeo, but its re-arranged in his own style and unless youre a SyX fanatic and know every little riff Romeo's ever done, dont think you'd even notice it. But as for style and sound, its completely different.
I wouldn't call them Symphony X clones. Symphony X has a much harder edge than Adagio in my opinion. Their singer, David Readman, is one of the best singers I've heard in the genre. Stephan Forte is a very talented guitarist and song writer. I would highly recommend them. Sanctus Ignis is the only one I've heard, but I love that one!