ADAT Cable noob-fail, am I missing something?


Nov 17, 2008
Am i missing something? did i get a faulty cable?? why does it just sit there without "clicking" in or anything? if a draft comes through the room itt'l fall out!! I want that shit to be permanent! I havent' even tried it out yet so I don't know if it works or not or if i'm just retarded and missed something obvious. I'm going digimax D8 into a digi002 and the cable on either ends just "rests" in place... it doesn't feel right. Is that how it's supposed to be??
thanks for the reply, will-do momentarily. in the meantime there's no variables at all down there so if it isn't clicking on either end i can only presume it's a garbage cable, so can someone recommend a modestly priced good one?
Yeah they are supposed to pop in. It still possible that they don't, in certain combinations. I had one that pops into the Marian Adcon but not into the E-mu 1616m because its optical in is slightly inward and the cable's connector was too thick at the plastic part to get all the way in.
Now that you have the cable set make sure to set the sync input to ADAT in your protools settings and make sure that your session sample/bit rate are set to the same thing as the d8.
it can take a bit of faffing to get the orientation right, but when you do it should click in postively. and yes. set clock source to ADAT
Yeah the ADAT connector itself isn't super fantastic. It works, but that's a lot more force than I like to exert on something that carries light through strands of fiberglass. :lol:

If it makes you feel any better, it's essentially the same connector for high end fibre connections to large data center storage arrays, etc. ;)