Addictive Drums

Okay, here's a sample. I've spent about an hour tweaking AD, trying to get some kind of a powerful "gunshot" snare for my industrial metal project.

Some people say that Freeverb 2 is a vst alternative for DVerb, besides, it's free. I'm gonna try it tomorrow in a mix.

Lesson 2. (again not trying to be an asshole)

People don't want to download a file to hear your stuff. Stream it via dropbox or soundcloud or something else.
Okay, I humbly comply, lol.

<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href="">Drums</a> by <a href="">Potapka</a></span>

Just use the forum's inbuilt Soundcloud thingie, as so:
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Do you mean this "Insert Link" option? I'm very bad at posting anything anywhere today, with all these html codes and stuff, I just tend to lurk around for years.
Yeah, the thing with AD is that you have to be really particular with it to get a good sound. I have a pretty good set up for metal, but although I may have it figured out now, I had to boost the velocity pretty high on the kick to get that nice click. Maybe the ADpak makes it easier.
Do you mean this "Insert Link" option? I'm very bad at posting anything anywhere today, with all these html codes and stuff, I just tend to lurk around for years.

Find that icon that is a cloud and click that, insert the link and it'll work.

I use AD and yeah it takes some work to make it work with metal but I enjoy using it still. A preset may get you started but it's really just better to learn the program itself or use the 16-out function and kill the need for any presets by just using your DAW's plugins or other plugins to process the samples.
Honestly I have never been able to get any of the raw kicks in AD to sound good, I have always had to replace with samples. Once you do that, though, everything else sounds tits, IMO anyway. Dunno if I posted these already but they were all done with AD: (don't mind the scratch gtr tone here haha..)
Honestly I have never been able to get any of the raw kicks in AD to sound good, I have always had to replace with samples. Once you do that, though, everything else sounds tits, IMO anyway. Dunno if I posted these already but they were all done with AD: (don't mind the scratch gtr tone here haha..)

How do you sample the kicks? I've been experimenting with building the routing for AD, and triggering the kick and snare, for when I get an iLok and can use Trigger. It works great for the snare, but the kick doesn't agree with apTrigga in the slightest.
I just send the kick out via the multi-out option, put Trigger on the track and replace it 100%. I did it the same with using apTrigga before I got Trigger, worked totally fine. What I do that helps, though, is on the right side of the AD window when you go to the screen where you can edit the selected drum's envelope, etc., you can see a HP and LP filter, I set it to like 200Hz for the HP so that there is like no low end in the kick sound, only the attack. Then with the EQ in that same window I boost the highs a tad so it's super clicky. Then that goes into Trigger/apTrigga, basically it's like a kick trigger sound, just the "splat."