Adding a second mic...


Aug 5, 2011
I'm looking for a second mic to use in conjunction with an SM57.

It'll be plugged into an Apogee Duet. Primarily for recording guitars.

Not sure if I'm better off getting a room mic? Or getting a second close mic? Something that'll do both? I admit I'm not that knowledgeable about the subject and am looking to learn...

I'd like to keep suggestions under $300 but do have some flexibility if there's a particularly good reason to go higher. It's just that the higher I go, the longer I go without.
What kind of guitars? Heavy I would pick 2 57s but another popular combo is a 57 and a sennheiser 421. But you'd be looking for used because they are over your budget. Could try an audix i5.
Guitars will primarily be somewhere between hard rock and sludgy metal with some sort-of-clean tones at times. Les Pauls and SGs, Marks and Rectifiers, V30s and G12M-25s.

What will a 421 do for me that a second SM57 won't?
There are tons of mics that you could get and be happy with. I would recommend checking out large diaphragm condensers, specifically the CAD M179. You can use it as a second mic for guitars, a room mic, a vocal mic, basically anything. I consider it the SM57 of condensers.
I've really been enjoying a AT4040 paired up with my 57 lately, get one of AT8471 mic clips to use instead of the shockmount so you can get it right up on the grill.
I really enjoy my sennheiser e935. It's a bit brighter than the sm58 i have and has higher volume too. I'm not really experienced with different mics but i can say I like the sennheiser better.
Yeah, I'd suggest a cheap but good condenser mic. Don't know about prices abroad, but here in Ukraine you can get Russian Oktava MK012-01 for like 200$ new. And it's an amazing mic for acoustic guitars, overheads and even vocals. I highly prefer it to many other more expensive SDC's. If you find one at around 200-250$, I think you won't be disappointed.
Another dynamic is good (loving sm57 and md421 combo), but it won't work in case if you decide to record some specific sources like acoustic guitars.
I've tried a bunch of 2nd mics with the 57's and my favourite so far is the md421, you can find them well in your budget if you look. i got mine for around 200€