Advance mp3 From "Threatcon Delta"

I think the new band sounds very tight. Vernon Anderson rips it up! This song is melodic power metal on the verge of neo-classical IMO. Still a powerful vocal though. Neil kicks some serious on this one. Can't wait to hear the rest.

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Vernon plays incredible leads on Piece Of Me and Cut To The Chase. I also love the melodic one's on Keep The Fire.

Hey AugDawg2 & Lord Darkness,

Here is the Nt - Keep The Fire MP3 Ruff Mix thread that you were looking for.
Just shout, if you need anything.

Thanks alot!

Wow, this will silence the non believers and confirm that Turbin was the Anthrax singer with the most charismatic voice! Killer!

I'll be sure to spread the word, I hope he does a great return in the scene and that people will be able to see this as something greater than "the ex-Singer of Anthrax riding on past glories". This stuff is holding up very well on it's own!

Bud E Love Bomber,

Neil was in the bay area last week working on new songs with Vernon Anderson: "Sold You Up The River" and "Don't Lie To Me". Neil also went to support his friends in the band Psychothrust, who opened up for Joey Belladonna at Paladino's on Saturday night. All Access Magazine asked Neil to come down. Joey refused to come out and meet Neil and was nowhere to be found before the show. All Access Magazine told Neil that Joey said to them that he didn't want to "confuse the fans". What was confusing to some fans was that he covered 2 songs that Neil wrote (Metal Thrashing Mad & Armed and Dangerous) and wore the same exact black tank top and shorts from the 80's and played only 80's Anthrax cover songs. Fortunately this is 2003 and Anthrax and most of their previous members have moved on. Copycatting Neil is the highest form of flattery.

Not to set any expectations: Threatcon Delta should see the light of day this month, since delaying factors seem to have been resolved. We'll keep you posted.

Th|s|sNotAnEx|t said:
Keep the Fire - listened to it and think its an awesome song!
Thanks for the listen bro and welcome to my message board. KTF is one of the more melodic songs on the album and is not a final mix/not a mastered version. Glad you liked. It only gets heavier from here on in.

Metal On,
Thanks for that awesome Joey story. I really don't want to judge him from what other people tell me about him, but that dude sure seems a little "confused" himself. I'm pretty sure Neil will make a bigger impact both terms of sale and reviews than Joey has done with his solo stuff.

It only gets heavier from here on in.

:headbang: Can't wait to get my hands on this album!
