After attending Gigantour last night, I just want to say...

I saw Gigantour a few days ago and it was great! Megadeth kicked ass! and while DT are great muscians, the songs were a bit too long for me.

I agree that Jag would be great!! actually any tour/fest would be great to have Jag on the bill:D
Maybe the guys in Nevermore could help pull a few strings with Dave Mustaine to get JP on next years Gigantour (provided there is one). I saw the show Friday in Boston and was completely blown away with how great Megadeth was. I don't think I've ever seen them sound so good in all the times I've seen them live before! I wish Nevermore had more time to play because they kicked ass too!
Stardust2112 said:
... that Jag F**king Panzer should be on that tour next year. Who do I have to bribe/threaten/kill to make this happen?


Agreed, Christina!!
Why does this band always seem to get the shit end of the stick in America, or am I dreaming this up?