After Market Pickups


New Metal Member
Apr 18, 2008
I have a Carvin DC727c (7-string, Maple neckthru, Swamp Ash sides, Floyd Rose) and I'm looking to change out the pickups. I have no experience with aftermarket pickups.

Looking for a thick metal rhythm tone with cutting leads (not shrill) in the bridge and in the neck I want a bright clean tone.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for the help.
I want to go with the EMGs but the nature of Carvin's pickup cavities would require major routing to fit them.

The Seymour Duncan Invader seems interesting.

What about the Dimarzio Evolution 7?
i have an invader and it sounds really crunchy and dynamic. the harder you hit the string the more bite it has. this is true with all pickups, but this one really emphasizes your attack.
steer clear of the evolution. its designed for numetalers with big pedalboards.
if you want to sound like korn go for those lol they dont have much low end and sound really thin from what ive read over at harmony central
Maybe I'll just get the cavity routed and stick an EMG 707 in there. I like Jeff Loomis' tone alot.

What do you think?
I have an Evo in the bridge of my ESP and it sounds great. It's the passive version of the 81 to my ears.

not meaning to bash your pickups. i must admit ive never actually heard them. but i have read that they are thin sounding.

pickups are kinda sticky, cause its not too easy to experiment because they are fairly time consuming to install, and in the case of emgs, force you to modify your guitar permanently in which case you would be limited to emgs.

would love to hear the results of whatever pickup you install!!! good luck