is it just me or does the bass sound like its lagging behind the whole song? just a couple MS but noticeably enough.
so far I haven't had the chance to give it a listen, but I'm looking forward to it.
passive pups (?), no TS, fresh amp, t75, no sm57 as primary mic = very intrigued!
I am the biggest fan of Sneap's guitartones, but I always love to hear something completely different and fresh sounding as well.
I'm sure this one iskicking ass
Sounds killer dude, my friend Rusty Cooley did a guest solo on this disc tracked at my place. Cant wait to give the full disc a spin!
whats the ola/ermz micing technique ? and what extra mic did you add?
if you dont mind me asking
Sounds like you've got your own cool sound going on. Not exactly copying the "popular" sound of this forum at the moment, but i'd take unique over that any day of the week.
Great job!
yeah im hearing that to just off a tiny bit
fucking love it, the whole mix is killer i love how wide it is
I agree that the mix is wide!! Did you do anything special or just the usual panning?
it sounds good....
it could be more...
'violent' sounding.
it sounds 'caged' if you can dig that cryptic audio analogy.
=D good to hear, bro!
i like where it's heading.
my suggestion: get the kick more fucking pounding in your face and try a different 2-buss comp or set yours up to really take advantage of release times so everything kind of 'pumps' (IN A GOOD WAY) with their SICK ASS GROOVES.
Thanks for the advice! I'll test it later, unless I have to do some beer drinking again.
haha. wow. i'm strange.