Again the drum reverb


Nov 28, 2007
Hi all,well my question is do you only use send/return for reverbs on drums or do you insert some reverbs on individual elements like snare for example?Thx
yeah... big plus one to that.
Only use about 3 verbs max as well.
one plate for drums - normally dverb for that trashcan reverb sound
One room for drums, sometimes - usually tlspace on a room setting
and a medium plate for vocals - tlspace
another thing I do sometimes to save some CPU power is I'll use a send for my clean guitars and put them into the same room verb I might be using for the drums. Just a little little bit but to me it adds a bit of glue to the overall sound

may not work for every situation but so far its done the trick for me
and do set the reverb 100% wet or mix it little like example 70% wet 30% dry?

It depends: if I use it on a send, I use it 100% wet and control the send volume. If used as and insert, you have to dial wet and dry 'till you find the sound you want.
BTW, I use it as a send. Try Freeverb2, that's a FREE (:notworthy) and sweet sounding reverb.
I send a buss to my Lexicon pcm70 and record the audio (100% wet), and then separately to my Rev 5 (snare). Mix that to taste in protools. Sometimes I'll move the waveform in time to correct the latency or increase it for a more dramatic affect. I love the character that outboard fx boxes give. (I got tired of the soft verbs.) Works like a charm.