Agalloch Ashes Against The Grain booklet

I know I should just let this one go, but if you honestly equate differences in taste to "missing the point," you have a lot to learn about music and about life in general.
I know I should just let this one go, but if you honestly equate differences in taste to "missing the point," you have a lot to learn about music and about life in general.
If you do think that The Grain is the only worthy track and the whole deal is overerall pretty boring, I think you are indeed "missing the point". It's kind of like saying: "Opeth is boring, their only worthy track is Silhouette".

Don't take it personal though, it's definitely not. "Missing the point" is something common to all of us.
I liked "Not Unlike the Waves" before the album came out, but something about the full release just doesn't sit right with me. I wouldn't say it is horrible music at all, just totally not what I wanted from this band. The Grain, on the other hand, was a welcome end to the album, and honestly the only track that held my attention.
Diluting influences from other genres and mixing them into your music doesn't set you apart from anything.

Esepcially when said music happens to be what sells at the current time.
So can you explain specifically how Agalloch have "diluted" post-rock influences, as opposed to generally incorporating it as an influence into their own music? Is there some element of the genre they've failed to absorb? Have Opeth "diluted" prog rock because it doesn't feature in every single minute of their music?

Regardless of your opinion on the matter, the point I was trying to make was that I'm hard pressed to think of any other band featuring a mix of black metal, neofolk, post-rock, and slivers of noise soundscapes.

And yes, I've no doubt that all these Constellation Records bands from Montreal are selling by the truckful. :bah: I suppose we should chuck out any post-rock records made after the mid 90's and just listen to Tortoise and The Dirty Three or whatever? Such an accusation is a bit rich on an Opeth forum.
I don't listen to Opeth that often anymore either if that could possibly cool your obvious frustration over my differences in taste.

edit: Ok, I listened to this stuff again a few nights ago. I was mildly drunk, and enjoyed it more than in the past, but this is still not the kind of thing that would keep me coming back for more were it released by Agalloch or some new band as their debut album.