Agalloch: "Not Unlike The Waves" Video

whats up with haughm howling at the moon? ok video, a shame they even made a video for this song when the album version is 10 times better
I dont think Agalloch should, or even need to. They have enough of a "cult" type following now. All they need to go is keep doing what theyre doing. I dont think popularity stakes mean a thing anyway, its irrelevant.
Well i can tell you that agalloch dont give a flying fuck how they sell. Music isnt their main job anyhow. Theyre all professional at something else, just happen to get together and make great music in the meantime.
Prognostic said:
i heard dragonforce on the local alternative station...agalloch will never reach that status

I keep hearing and reading the name "Dragonforce" everywhere, I see their t-shirts everywhere, so 5 minutes ago I decided to check out their MySpace site and listen to them for the first time.

After one song can I already feel my manhood shrivelling up and withering away. If those vocals weren't so Richard-Simmons-gay then they could possibly be the most metal (and simultaneously cheesy) thing ever.

Still, that's probably the last time I'll ever willingly listen to them, heh.
BurningSky said:
Its almost paradoxical. Agalloch are barely known, I like them a lot, yet i still think they're overrated.
why should that be "almost paradoxical"? the people who know a band could all judge their music to be of high quality even though the quality is not actually that high.
i don't mean to suggest that agalloch meets that description.
Because i just dont consider bands that no one has heard about to be eligible for overratedness. The rolling stones i consider overrated because everyone knows who they are and they werent very good. Thats pretty much why i think that about agalloch.