
Soul Forlorn

May 15, 2001
Illinois, USA
I just got Agalloch's "Pale Folklore" yesterday and all I can say is it is absolutely out of this world. No, it doesn't do exactly what Opeth does for me but it comes real close, which is something I can only say for a handful of bands. I downloaded a couple of their songs off Napster a few months ago and now I'm kicking myself in the head for putting off ordering their cd. Anybody not familiar with Agalloch definitely needs to check them out. I was just wondering if anybody else is into Agalloch. Also, does anyone know about their current status-If they're working on their 2nd album, etc?
Man, you've got to get it. I can't stop listening to it. Lots of cool-sounding clean arpeggiated guitar lines over distorted riffs, ambient sections, acoustic guitars, harmony lines, melody, piano, some female vocals, eloquent lyrics, unique cool production, long songs, fabulous solos...I could just keep going on. Wars of Winter is right, they could use some good Opeth-like clean vocals, but I like their vocals quite a bit as they are. They're mostly kind of a black metal whisper mix type of thing. Such dark concepts. 62 minute cd. Simply amazing. They're quickly becoming my 2nd favorite band, just behind Opeth.
Wow, it's great to see such positive comments regarding Agalloch. I've spoken to Haughm (vocals/guitars/drums) a number of times and he's a very nice guy. 'Pale Folklore' is a magnificant debut album and I'd recommend it to everyone as well. They are coming out with a new mCD sometime soon too. Everyone should check out their record label -- The End Records ( as well, they sell all kinds of CDs for very cheap ($10) and are out there for the music, not the money..
Never heard of them before, but I have trust in my fellow message boarders, so I've checked them out. Listening to Dead Winter Days (whole song can be downloaded in crap quality from their official site ) right now and what can I say? Well.. it's not bad, it's actually pretty good. But I don't think that it's very original.. sorry. Though the black metal vocals are articulated very well, that's positive. But the msuic as a whole doesn't do it for me.... I think it's a little empty.

Are all song comparable to Dead Winter Days or are they better?
Actually, Dead Winter Days is probably my least favorite on the cd.
I think you'll like the other songs more. The other songs have a lot more changes in them, more textures, more dynamics, and more variety. I also feel the other songs are more unique. "She Painted Fire Across the Skyline" is a masterpiece!
Originally posted by Soul Forlorn
Actually, Dead Winter Days is probably my least favorite on the cd.
I think you'll like the other songs more. The other songs have a lot more changes in them, more textures, more dynamics, and more variety. I also feel the other songs are more unique. "She Painted Fire Across the Skyline" is a masterpiece!

Hmm, ok. Then why did they put it on the site you wonder? ..hehe.. well.. maybe I'll give them a second chance then.