
Cooperman the rescue!!!
Apr 13, 2001
Virginia, USA
Does anyone feel their age? I'm 27 this year and it occured to me that I don't feel like what I thought I'd feel like to be 27. I don't know why it's bothering me, but it is. It feels like I'm missing something because I still feel like I am 16 when I should feel like I'm approaching 30. :confused:
I dunno... but when you are young it's hard to imagine yourself being older because you think everything will be different. But now that I am older, I still feel the same as I did 10 years ago - except maybe for my back after a 4 hour rehearsal :erk:

I think maybe the people who post here are a sub-section of the wider community that probably are gonna have a youthful outlook upon life anyway... I think metal does that.
I dunno... there's a few people here who worry about getting old. As for me, I'm not quite as fit as I was ten years ago, but I can still mosh like a motherfucker and stay up all night drinking and carousing, and I can go harder and for longer than when I was 20. I don't "feel" 35. I feel like I'm still in my 20s, and I hope that I continue to feel like that for a while to come. :)
Well i'm 30 and i don't really feel any different to when i was in my early 20's. I still have all the same interests. But i must admit to feeling a bit of a pyschological blow when hitting 30.. haha
I usually can't remember exactly how old I am. I have to work it out. I am 22.

It must be because when you're smaller you think a certain age is so old and everything will be so different, but then when you actually reach that age, nothing has really changed so you still feel like you did when you were younger. Hmmm.
I'm 28 and it's only just dawned on me that I no longer fit the media definition of "youth". Combine that with a slightly receding hairline and a morbid fear of hitting the big 3-0 without achieving anything that I really wanted to (apart from uni degrees) and you find yourself in a very depressing place.

My solution was to go back to the academic life and pick up where I left off. Last year was all about testing the waters and seeing if I still felt as comfortable there as I did from 1994-96 before the rot set in. Now I know I'm home, and I want to stay for as long as they'll have me.

My personal life is still non-existent, but I'm prepared to work on that given the chance :). I'm just beginning to understand there's a lot more to your old pal Wrathy than the "cartoon shorthand" version of myself that I hide behind.

I made a post here, but it has apprently disappeard.....fucking thing, anywho, I am 25 with 2 kids, one is 8 this year, of course I feel fucking old, but usually I am immature as all fuck so I guess it counters itself
I actually got excited about turning 30.I am also very much so looking forward to turning 50.
Part of all of this is I don't see anything below about 60 as old...especially after having worked so much in nursing homes.
When I was a kid I lost all fear of getting old and death, I have always wanted to get old and the scary looking lady who sits in her rocker on the porch watching the school kids go by whispering there's the old witch then I laugh, whilst my pack of stray dogs I have taken in chase them along the front fence.
I have to admit that sometimes it surprises me how time does, indeed, fly. Yesterday in Penrith, I saw a girl about 16 wearing a "Homebake 10" shirt, and I thought to myself "I can remember the first Homebake", then realised that was the same year I had a photo pass to Livid and hung out backstage with Jello Biafra. That made me realise that the girl I'd just seen was only 6 then, and THAT made me feel old for a moment. :)