
KoichCPA said:
I'm 20 and I can either go from feeling 16 to feeling 30 depending on the situation.
Same here... in fact, until I turned 20 a few weeks ago I never really felt like I was aging at all. But once I thought to myself "whoa, I'm in my twenties now" it dawned on me all at once.

But I also look very young for my age, and was always the youngest in my class at school (my birthday is in January, so I was in school with kids whose birthdays were all the year before mine)... so I tend to feel a lot younger than I actually am.
Wrathchild said:
My personal life is still non-existent, but I'm prepared to work on that given the chance :). I'm just beginning to understand there's a lot more to your old pal Wrathy than the "cartoon shorthand" version of myself that I hide behind.


Good for you Wrathy. :)
37, and feeling like...37 (distiguished grey has now appeared in my goatee now).

What makes me feel old is the realisation that when my Dad was my age, I was in year 9.

When you see cars getting around with "EM1987" number-plates makes you think also.
My girlfriends friends make me feel immature. They are heaps more mature than I am, and they are 17-18.

The tell me I should grow up. I tell them they should shut the fuck up. Needless to say, they don't think highly of me.
Blitzkrieg said:
I do look forward to sophisticated greyness, I must admit.
Lord Tim said:
It's not as fun as you'd think it is... :cry:
Oh come on, like you're sophisticated :p

Shannow said:
You can't stay young for ever, but at least you can remain immature.
Well said :headbang:

As for me...I dunno. I 'm with Kem, I generally have to think for a second before I remember that I'm 24. I don't really feel much different to when I was about fifteen. I know a lot more about stuff, but I don't feel much different in myself, if that makes sense :p

A little while ago I went around to my preschool best friend's place for the first time in ages - we don't talk much any more but we're still in contact every now and then. She told her mum I was coming around to play. :D Then we sat down on the floor with all her leatherworking gear to make accessories - a punk and a metalhead, making studded leatherware, acting like we were little kids again back in arts and crafts :)
I am 21 and sometimes feel a little old but it ain't too bad. At the moment I feel restless and in need of change. I am not sure how to achieve it.
Just do some mescaline ok.

Go down to your local garden centre and buy some San Pedro Cactii, rip the skin off it, dry it and crush it. Mix it in with some tea or something.

see some things and possibly vomit.
It doesn't seem all that long since I turned 18, but if I live the same time again I'll be 34. It also doesn't seem all that long since I was going to gigs as a 15yo, but again, if I live the same time again I'll be 37. I reckon the mid-20s are much of a's easy to forget how old you are. I just worry about all the things I want to do before being responsible and settling down (if I ever do), and if I'll have time to do them.