Beer is best when served fresh off tap at the proper temperature for it's style.
Temp Chart by Michael Jackson (not the "King of Pop"):
Even when I buy bottled (almost never buy canned beer except a few micro-brewed rarities that come in cans like Oskar Blues Dale's Pale ale, or New Belgium Fat Tire) I still always pour beer into a glass. Almost never drink from a bottle or a can and have been known to bring my own glassware to occasions serving beer. The right glassware for the beer can make quite a difference in the drinking experience (I have about 40 or so different pieces of glassware for beer drinking from goblets, pint and Pilsner glasses, stange and snifters for Barleywines, and tulips and Weizen glasses - all up to and including my collection of "Official" Oktoberfest steins).
Did I mention I'm also a home-brewer? While not doing it as much as I once did, I do at least two batches a year plus the occasional hard cider.
I've not brewed a batch since the spring, but have been getting the itch as of late for something - time to break out my
"Beer Tools Pro" and come up with a recipe for something cool.
A little off topic, but good beer should be enjoyed to it's fullest and while "Miller" would not be my beer of choice, it's still a better choice than some of the fruity assed malt beverages out there.