Ahhhh shiiiiit! Deathfest was AMAZING!


4003 = <3
Aug 28, 2004
My first metalfest.....and wow. A day of killer metal! I spent the day waitin' for the Sadudes and checking out sweet bands like Fallen Angels, Try Redemption and Passive Agressive. I met Steve just before they played and was pretty dorky about how much of a fanboy I was :worship: :OMG: . He was really chill. "Oh, you're Asa! Big Asa...." He remarks on my 6'7 height. He needed to get onstage though.

Sadus set up and I stood on the left of the stage- SDG's side, o' course. Lewie helped the band set up their stuff- all the obvious equipment, plus Steve's synths. 15 minutes later, the house lights dim, the opening music starts- and it's everything that anyone would expect from thrash vets like these guys.

The set was roughly split half-and-half in regard to old and new material. They opened with "Out for Blood" and "Down" and also played the Chuck Schuldiner-dedicated song "Freedom." But the final songs are established thrash classics: "Sadus Attack," "Through the Eyes of Greed" and "Certain Death."Steve busted out the "Through the Eyes of Greed" solo about a foot from my face. Needless to say, I'm still recovering from the pure awesomeness of it.

Thanks again Steve for putting up with my nerdy fandom, signing my stuff, and giving me a signature pick (which I'll never use :lol: :rolleyes: ). Sadus, you guys put on a great show! Thanks for the guestlist attempt Darren and Lewie, and Jon I only got to give you a fist pump but you of course did a great job.

Basically SDG fans....if you can catch these dudes live- DO EET.

I'll be posting pictures soon.
Awesome! And right after I'd asked you to post a review on Valley of Dry Bones (www.valleyofdrybones.tk / SPREAD THE WORD! :p ) I find you've already done one here. Maybe you could put it there too (though I didn't know you were Asa until now). Sounds like they couldn't get you on the guestlist, is that right? Sucks if that's so, but good that you got in anyway!

These guys are the real deal. Darren is really cool, Steve sounds just down to earth, and Jon seems to be a cool guy. Not to mention King Lewie just seems funny. Hope to meet you all someday. :kickass:

Thanks for making kickass music. :)
I think at the NW Deathfest it was a win-win for Sadus. Not only did they put on the tightest performance of the night, they introduced themselves to a set of people that weren't familiar with them. I heard from many that Sadus was their favorite band of the evening. It looked like most people came out to see Obituary but I could be wrong. If I can fix the Compact Flash card I have here, I shot 1:30 video of the song "In the name of..." If all works well with my luck, I'll give it to Max and you can see it on Youtube or some shit.
Forgot: Jon Allen's drum solo was the shit. I guess Mikkey Dee has got some competition now. Don Tardy's drum solo was cool...but the number of songs the Tampa Bay boys got in was rather slim.
Miguel Suerte said:
I think at the NW Deathfest it was a win-win for Sadus. Not only did they put on the tightest performance of the night, they introduced themselves to a set of people that weren't familiar with them. I heard from many that Sadus was their favorite band of the evening. It looked like most people came out to see Obituary but I could be wrong. If I can fix the Compact Flash card I have here, I shot 1:30 video of the song "In the name of..." If all works well with my luck, I'll give it to Max and you can see it on Youtube or some shit.

Fuckin' SHIT, dude! Why didn't you tell me you were there? I was the tall kid with shoulder-length dark brown hair and a Blackgoat t-shirt.
TheNocturnals said:
Fuckin' SHIT, dude! Why didn't you tell me you were there? I was the tall kid with shoulder-length dark brown hair and a Blackgoat t-shirt.

Okay. So you were the one stage left right? DiGiorgio's side? I loved the fact that I showed up as the only motherfucka who wasn't wearing a black shirt. HA! I love doing that! I thought about wearing my Sadus shirt from 1990 to show some support, but decided to go my own way with it. I was the guy with the Dodgers hat, the grey Sabian shirt, and the fatty black moustache. Other than up front for Sadus I was mostly in the bar on the balcony. Did you go to the DF in 2005? This years was better by quite a bit.
Miguel Suerte said:
Did you go to the DF in 2005?

Just remembered a story about the Seattle DF in 2005. Sadus is setting up and some kid tells SDG "hey, play some Death". And with the dirtiest/most serious look, he just shakes his head "no". Funniest part about that day.
Miguel Suerte said:
Just remembered a story about the Seattle DF in 2005. Sadus is setting up and some kid tells SDG "hey, play some Death". And with the dirtiest/most serious look, he just shakes his head "no". Funniest part about that day.

That definitely wasn't smart...

Say, how are those pictures coming, man?
Hmm, I don't know why it'd do that. I'm not sure you'd want to, but you could upload them to Photobucket and they'd probably be a lot bigger (unless you shot them with a camera phone...those would be small). Looks like some nice shots, heavily Steve oriented, but that doesn't matter. Thanks for showing us!






Now, the audio is kinda ghetto because it was shot with a four year old digital camera not a camcorder or anything. I didn't use a muffler. The audio sucks but the video is alright. 30 seconds of "Lost It All" and almost 3 minutes of "In the Name of..."

The Video:



ENJOY! ('Cause the 'Digital Recovery' to get this shit cost $50...OUCH!)