AILD Bass power tower gear +VID

Like i said earlier on the thread, i'm loving so much the grind you guys got out of that bass Josh!
I mean, you hear it all the time, but it's almost a pleasure to hear it imho! And it certainly rounds everything
else in just the best way possible. I'll hear so much this album! Awesome wall-of-sound tones! really!

Cheers to AILD!!!
Thanks for the info Josh. It sounds great, but your picking hand is pretty perfect which helps a lot.

I had a similar experience stacking the 5150 with my aggie db750 and a sansamp. The need for heavy filtering sort of goes away when the tones are built to compliment each other from the onset. Bass through a 5150 is also super satisfying and incredibly fun.
BTW, are you endorsing aguilar? I'm sure they'd love to have you.
Dare I say the best album yet? AILD is one of the few accessible metal bands for which I never fall off the bandwagon. Kinda like an Iron Maiden for gen-Ys in my mind- they've got a sound they stick with, cohesive song writing across albums and always deliver on what you're expecting.

Mix is massive and bone crushing.
hey dude, which one of these SVT tones do you prefer?

idk man, i kinda prefer the sansamp over either one of em

really? cause these ampeg's sound so sweet...

i know, but you should totally say fuck those, and use the peavey to get some of that grind

maybe man, but even the DI by itself sounds so good...i don't even know if we need an amp on this one

fuck it man, just use em all :flame: