Al Jazeera special on Metal in the mid. east ! !

True. And so do Chinese ones:

(!Best scenic image in the history of metal!)

Some thrash metal Iranian bands:
(see related videos for more bands)
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Damn- that was interesting to watch. Oh well, I wanted to do a documentary like this 5 years ago, but now it seems as though everyone has jumped on the bandwagon already. But I don't mind when the material offered is interesting and doesn't portray metal fans as being drunk ranting idiots- as was the case lots of times before when there was anything on the telly about metal.
Syrian destiny- would you say that most metal fans in your country are students- as I found to be the case in Turkey.And also this matter has come up with some talks I had with friends from unlikely metal communities. I have given this a thought and came up with the answer that it has to do with the fact that, generally speaking, students are more exposed and have easier access to 'western' ideas and music next to them also being more open to others ideas and music. Does this idea hold ground in your opinion? I'm also asking other metal fans inhere.
Nathalie, I agree with you lol, yes... in my country atleast, the metal fans ages range from 14 to 25 usually, you rarely see a man in his 30s listening and you will NEVER see a woman in 30s listening to metal.

The problem here in Bahrain is that people tend to relate Metal with immatureness, and so, people once they grow a certain age they start to think that they should grow up and break these "immature" habits and so they quit listening to metal.

Others become strictly religious and start forbidding metal as music in their lives

And some would keep on listening but they will stay away from the scene.

But I too think this might change in the future of our generation, with people being more open minded and all.