Syrian Prisedent Dr.Bashar Al A'sad speech

yes dubai , but big deal , we have a better show each 4 days here :loco: , the bombs attack :hotjump: op audio and video systems , and tomorow there ll be a new one :rock:
We just have to hope these kinds of terrorism will soon end.....all over the world!

although i'm very passimistic......
I think that only war between planet earth and another planet....will make all human beings standing together......

obay bringer of light said:
Rashaomon, we had enough wars already one earth, we don't need Star Wars I think.
wars aren't the solution ...

I agree, of course.....
It's only my passimistic point of view.....

the only thing that makes me optimistic these this forum....
pessimistik ..not me for sure, life is but a joke it self , so keep on laughin folks :grin: ,even with bombs ,...check this out
I agree with both of you....
I'm passimistic about few things, but still trying to live my life as better as I can.....

it is not bad thing to be passimistic.....
It is better to be one, and get the surprises (or miracles) the world can offer....
than to be optimistic and get disapointed......

LANTHWICK.....nice pic!
Lanthwick- funny funny pic. :tickled:

I can undestand about your pessimism Eran- I have been feeling the same way for months now. It's one of the reasons I made the trip to Portugal: clear my head a bit and try to see the sunny side of life again. Being in the sun and seeing the glorious sights of Portugal has helped to make a start at feeling better again- and NOT reading the news....
Writing in this forum helps- but sometimes I feel I am living only through the internet and that is not a good thing. So please come on y'all and come live closer to my place so I can visit instead of write. We will form our own society called Utopia- Metalopolis :Spin:
Yes.....I need a long trip.....
I'm planning on flying to south america for few months after i'll finish my degree.....
and then I will fly to my favourite country (Germany) is close enough.....
with or without meaning to the handshake.....
I think it is a beginning of an optimistic road......

and again.....christianity is the intermediary between judaism and islam....
(and I wish it will continue in happier occasions)

Yepp, I also need something like that, a travel or something to switch off, and think in other things... I hope to find a bit of that in France next year (I'll be studying there for a year)...