Reports of Al Zarqawi--which were all quite exultant, including little Nero's quote he was happy the man was dead--also included buried deep into the articles most skimmed or didnt bother to pay any attention to, the report that a woman and child were also killed: "Maj Gen Caldwell said six people died in the raid, including a woman and a young person. Only two have so far been identified." No one bothered to mention or make an issue out of the fact that innocents were also killed (not one of plump balding schmucks in my office who whooped and hollered once they heard the news).
Thus I ask, is it justified to kill this terrorist, when killing him, meant killing a innocent child, and a innocent woman? I know since World War I, war has taken on a most savage ends-justify-the-means direction, but is this rationalization of the blood of innocents enough?
And finally, are we so desensitized by the death of innocent bystanders since WWII, Vietnam, the ISraeli-Palstinian ongoing conflict, and today's Iraqi war, that we just dont give a fuck anymore?
If so, this speaks to a moral relativism, that holds even innocent life has no value. Does anyone find this troublesome? And how troublesome is this from the religious perspective as followed by the terrorist; or even, of the nationalist perspective of our smirking Nero? Does such a valuation of human life, erode the religion or the state advocating or killing innocents in the means of some higher future principle?
Thus I ask, is it justified to kill this terrorist, when killing him, meant killing a innocent child, and a innocent woman? I know since World War I, war has taken on a most savage ends-justify-the-means direction, but is this rationalization of the blood of innocents enough?
And finally, are we so desensitized by the death of innocent bystanders since WWII, Vietnam, the ISraeli-Palstinian ongoing conflict, and today's Iraqi war, that we just dont give a fuck anymore?
If so, this speaks to a moral relativism, that holds even innocent life has no value. Does anyone find this troublesome? And how troublesome is this from the religious perspective as followed by the terrorist; or even, of the nationalist perspective of our smirking Nero? Does such a valuation of human life, erode the religion or the state advocating or killing innocents in the means of some higher future principle?