

Jun 29, 2006
Alarmism is the practice of raising a general hue and cry without substantive cause. The phenomenon is readily observable in societies throughout our world. The effects of alarmism are often large in scale, sometimes great enough to shift the course of entire civilizations and the perceptions of national populations. Alarmism is a method of mass public manipulation.

Religions warn us of the punishment of disbelief. Yet, the supposed place and time of such punishment lies outside of our own reality, thus completely beyond anyone's verification. Criminal citizens and their own governments have killed more of their own people, by orders of magnitude in persons murdered, than foreign terrorists. Yet mass media, general public and institutional alarmism about foreign terrorism dominates discourse. Majority on minority violence is a popular means of initiating alarmism, used to create more unnecessary laws, expenses and bureaucracies for useless individuals to leech an easy income. Yet in our multicultural societies, the overwhelming statistical trend has taken the form of minority on majority demographics violence. The latest trendy disease vector like bird flu or mad cow are other relatively unremarkable instances that have been subject to massive alarmism campaigns, probably with medical and pharma******** industry backing.

The alarmism phenomenon is the tool of parasites who seek to alter the perceptions and actions of our gullible 95 IQ public, channeling this large sea of energy into the control of the alarmist. Alarmism has resulted in costly bloating of government power, paranoid, unstable and neurotic fellow citizens, more unnecessary bureaucracies, boards, chairs and institutions, redundant new laws that double or triple penalty for a single violation and leeching and wasting the time of otherwise stable, productive people.
Any evidence / reasoning that it is some cynical tool and not simple vote buying from those who think 'something must be done!' every time anything negative happens?
People have a lot they should be alarmed about but they are just sleepwalking into disaster.

In a way the kind of alarmist manipulation by the State and the media only encourages apathy.

People think someone else is looking out and going to sort out the problems, and also, when there is a period where an issue is presented in an alarmist way, and then dropped (without the threat necessarily being in any way diminished) people get "alarmist fatigue" from this repeated process, and decide that it is never worth getting aggitated as it always seems to be unjustified. That gives a false sense of security however.

It is a fact that humanity must be devastated by a disease such as some kind of flu sooner or later, and the risk grows as the population multiplies. Nature is getting ready to restore the balance. (In fact AIDS is just one way that this is happening).

There is no alarmism in the media about the imminent 3rd world war, yet this seems extremely likely to happen.