Alarum - Eventuality


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Alarum – Eventuality
Willowtip Records – November 16th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


Willowtip perhaps made a mistake when they decided to tout Alarum’s Eventuality as a modern-day Focus. Honestly, I didn’t think I’d like Alarum as much as Cynic, and I don’t. But – most importantly – the depth of complexity is reminiscent of acts such as the aforementioned, Extol, Believer, Quo Vadis, and others who have a distinct, clean sound. Eventuality is individually strong enough, however, to be regarded as a great metal release.

The hour and change begins with “Velocity.” The former is a reasonable introduction to the group, as Extol-like vocalizations enter the fray. The tempo is quite fast, and talent runs amok on the disc. The one flaw I have with “Velocity” is the almost-too-modern sound it takes on; they tend to bleed into Shadows Fall territory at their worst moments. I was grateful to receive “Sustained Connection,” though. Racovalis’s (drums) performance is notable here, and the temperamental guitar riffs aren’t content to follow any particular mold. The culmination of all instruments at the 2:20 minute mark is just breathtaking. In short, the song rocks. “Lost Pleiad” is a lull that lasts a minute and a quarter. Conversely, “Receiver” is back at the controlled intricacy theme that runs the throughline of Eventuality. “Remote Viewing” is a little more organic than previous outings, while “Inertial Grind” finds the band utilizing a thrash motif at first. Arguably, Alarum flutter between styles and subsequent moods on the album. So, don’t expect one specific point-of-view. “Cygnus X-1” is yet another interlude that serves as a rest stop. “Woven Imbalance,” upon inception, will garner a “Holy shite!” reaction. And, there are many more tracks to peruse.

I found myself enjoying most of this album, if not all of it. I also think, however, that it’s a bit early to start labeling Alarum as the second coming of Cynic. But, with Eventuality, the guys have proved that they’re in the same league as all the bands previously mentioned in the review; this is definitely worth your hard-earned cash.


Official Alarum website
Official Willowtip Records website