Album #5

Gonna be a little difficult to describe in some! I think there will be a nod to the old style and the MOI album as well but also some new developments too. I think I've got the album title and concept now too.......more on that soon!
Gonna be a little difficult to describe in some! I think there will be a nod to the old style and the MOI album as well but also some new developments too. I think I've got the album title and concept now too.......more on that soon!

hmm new and old eh?... so Politics in Neverworld :p

Concept - not about steak at all i hope :lol:
Please, God, let there be some songs in the vein of Strikeforce or Children of the Dream. I'm dying for more of that incredibly happy 80s synth sound!
to me kings or eternity and strikeforce has very similar lyrics, and i thought kings of eternity was everything strikeforce was supposed to be. children of the dream was freakin awesome!!!!! so was the magic never dies! (my little sisters favorite was forever more)
I think MND had this production that made everything feel very open and fresh, truly epic. Strikeforce really gives me this bright, vivid image of clouds and all that nonsense, it's awesome. Maybe it's the sound of the synths that make me feel that way, but I think the production in that album was top notch. Kings of Eternity just sounds a little too tight to me, it doesn't have the same effect on my mind.

I'm not knocking MoI, as I enjoy the album (in a different way than the previous ones), I just need another bombastic anthem to headbang to!
i gotcha and everyone has there opinions. my favorite song from PQ is save the world! even though it is political and doesn't really sound like power metal as far as lyrics go, the passion that he sings it with is just take your breath away awesome!!!! it has been a while since i heard strikeforce besides that intro that was way to long i really like the song, i LOVED diamond sky! (that is PQ's biggest on youtube) diamond sky just made you feel good! i really like music that is passionate and makes you feel good, most power metal fits that category for me with the exception of a few bands: agnra, helloween, ect. and sometimes sonata arctica plunges a little to deep for me XD
kings of eternity is an AMAZING anthem i get it stuck in my head the whole time

MOI had it's strengths and it's flaws. It wasn't perfect but it was bl$&dy good. Can't WAIT to hear the next album.
great to read the discussion guys. Of course the new album....or BA as I'm calling it :-) is going to have it's differences again....inevitable really given what has occurred over the past 12 months but I'm really stoked with the way the material is shaping up.
Even though I'm slightly nostalgic when I think of the more epic PM melodies (can I add cheesy in it's most appealing and complimentary sense?) of old PQ and would love to hear more in the same vein, and even though I appreciate and enjoy the distinctive differences in sound and approach between albums, I can't say I'm aching for the older sound. That shipped sailed long ago and even though I was wary at the time, each time a new direction has been taken I've ended up loving it. That's the great thing about PQ, there's evolution, development and maturing of style - it beats stagnating in the same old rehashed tunes (Freedom Call, DF, ACDC, HammerFall etc). There's even nods at the past with Kings of Eternity and I'm sure there'll be another similar nod to come but these days I want/expect a new PQ with a new sound to reflect a fresh set of hands in the creative process. Eagerly await what you guys can cook up
I'm sure there'll be some vid updates from the studio as soon as we get started with the recording so stay tuned. Needless to say we're all really excited with how the new material is sounding and can't wait to tear it up in Italy!