Album of the year


Heaven Piercer
Nov 20, 2010
New Jersey
There's been a lot of good shit this year. And I think it's late enough in the year to ask what your pick for album of the year is. So far, anyway. Mine is by far Devin Townsend's Deconstruction. What a fucking fantastic album. I don't think the new Megadeth, Dream Theater, Anthrax, or Machine Head will top it. But we'll see!

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There's been a lot of good shit this year. And I think it's late enough in the year to ask what your pick for album of the year is. So far, anyway. Mine is by far Devin Townsend's Deconstruction. What a fucking fantastic album. I don't think the new Megadeth, Dream Theater, Anthrax, or Machine Head will top it. But we'll see!

My lord that song made me want to kill myself. Not that it's bad just relentless noise and keyboards.

The only new album I listen to is the new Morbid Angel album. Most of that album sucks, but there are about 4 or 5 songs on it that are good that I listen to all the time. Can't really think of anything else at the moment.

For non extreme metal I listen to this quite often:

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I am really looking forward to follow this thread as I must have been living on the moon this year. Have not seen many good releases so far. Was hoping for good stuff from In Flames, but have not heard the new record so far. Same goes for The Haunted.

Was looking through this list - please tell me what is missing!

Did anyone pick up the new Skindred album by any chance?

Thanks and cheers!!
So far it's Social D's Hard Times And Nursery Rhymes to me. The top challenger right now is Deconstruction, but I haven't listened it enough yet so I don't know. I have a feeling Worship Music will be one of, if not the best.
Deconstruction is great! Ghost...not so much. I haven't listened that much to it yet, but so far it sounds a bit too "Pan Flute Moods" for my liking. Having said that, I think that Devin Townsend's 4-album project has showcased Devin Townsend's diversity in a brilliant way. KI and Deconstruction are my favourites out of the four releases.

I'm also quite enjoying the latest release by ...and you will know us by the trail of dead.
I have a few:

Times of Grace - self titled (was really surprised by this one)
Decapitated - Carnival is Forever
In Flames - Sounds of a Playground Fading
Burzum - Fallen
Sepultura - Kairos (best record since Chaos AD)

Also - hanging for new Machine Head, Opeth, Testament, Meshuggah, and of course most of all - Anthrax.
Burzum - Fallen
Sepultura - Kairos (best record since Chaos AD)

I'd be the last one to question your musical taste Timmy, but Burzum? That shit never reminded me of "music" at all...

And I have to say I'm kind of disappointed with Kairos, I find A-Lex much better so far.
I'd be the last one to question your musical taste Timmy, but Burzum? That shit never reminded me of "music" at all...

And I have to say I'm kind of disappointed with Kairos, I find A-Lex much better so far.

Yeah fair call on Burzum.... Just find it to be a real interesting record once you get past the shitty tinny production. Some real weird and cool melodies under the blastbeats. I keep finding myself coming back to it for some reason and digging it, so for me that speaks volumes for such extreme music.

And I was disappointed with Kairos on first 1-2 listens, but now have spun it 10-15 times all through and absolutely love this record. Derrek's finest performance, and Andreas' playing and tone is crushing. A-Lex bored me to the point I'm not sure if I've ever got all the way through it!
Also - hanging for new Machine Head, Opeth, Testament, Meshuggah, and of course most of all - Anthrax.

Hell yeah - I'd add the new record of Lamb of God to this group of bands (not sure if it will be released within this year though)
Deconstruction is great! Ghost...not so much. I haven't listened that much to it yet, but so far it sounds a bit too "Pan Flute Moods" for my liking. Having said that, I think that Devin Townsend's 4-album project has showcased Devin Townsend's diversity in a brilliant way. KI and Deconstruction are my favourites out of the four releases.

I'm also quite enjoying the latest release by ...and you will know us by the trail of dead.

the problem with Ghost is he was calling it an accoustic album. When you say that I think of the live accoustic versions of Sister/ Hide Nowhere from Infinity. He may have used accoustic guitars but he still has that godforsaken wall of sound in the bed tracks. The album is ambient mostly. I like it but I had to get passed all that first. I'm still dissapointed that it was touted as an accoustic album for so long and ended up being far from it and nothing like his accoustic stuff on Infinity and Ki
The only new album I listen to is the new Morbid Angel album. Most of that album sucks, but there are about 4 or 5 songs on it that are good that I listen to all the time. Can't really think of anything else at the moment.

Yeah, I hated all that electronic crap on it like Radikult and Too Extreme. But there was pretty standard no-bullshit metal on it too. Like Blades of Baal or Existo Vulgore. I even quite liked I Am Morbid.
Album of the year......