Album of the Year

Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines

Green Carnation - Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness

Down II - A Bustle In Your Hedgerow
[color=#AOEOOA]No I'm afraid I don't. But I hear they have a reall crappy singer who can't sing for shit. is tha the same dungeon?[/color]

Ok I bought the album today, havent listen to it much yet.
Gave ARTP a damn good listen whilst unpacking all my boxes fucking rips a lot of big bands to pieces.Wonder how long it is going to take for noise complaints about the music being turned up for awesome stuff such as ARTP.
I love Tim's jeans. Because when people see his, mine suddenly don't look so bad anymore! :lol: :lol:

Although I think my old ones that are now unwearable due to their lack of a crotch took the cake!