Is FICTION The Best???

Well I think their best album is "The Gallery"... It's one of my favourites of all time, with "Lethe" as one of the best metalsongs ever written. but I might be oldfashioned :D
Well I think their best album is "The Gallery"... It's one of my favourites of all time, with "Lethe" as one of the best metalsongs ever written. but I might be oldfashioned :D

Totally agree. Gallery is their best album, hands down, the others are not even close. Was one of the best albums of the 1990s, period. Everything they've done since is in the shadow of that album, and they can't match it. Haven was the closest they came to anything as mindblowing as the Gallery. Kind of a shame that Haven came right after Projector, which was panned a bit by some fans and a lot of critics, because it is a really amazing album...
In my opinion the best metal album of '07 is a toss up between Fiction and United Abominations; I'd probably take fiction if I had to choose. But, my favorite album of '07 was by far Porcupine Tree's Fear of a Blank Planet.
In my opinion the best metal album of '07 is a toss up between Fiction and United Abominations; I'd probably take fiction if I had to choose. But, my favorite album of '07 was by far Porcupine Tree's Fear of a Blank Planet.

Don't mean to derail, but I think United Abominations is just terrible. I don't want to insult your opinion: tell me what's good about it according to you.
Don't mean to derail, but I think United Abominations is just terrible. I don't want to insult your opinion: tell me what's good about it according to you.

I love the riffage on that album. I thought Sleepwalker and Washington is Next! has some of the best Megadeth guitar riffs. Minus the remake of À Tout le Monde, I thought United Abominations was a very solid album. But, I've been a mig Megadeth fan for years. Take Risk out of their catalog, I've liked every album they've released.
I love the riffage on that album. I thought Sleepwalker and Washington is Next! has some of the best Megadeth guitar riffs. Minus the remake of À Tout le Monde, I thought United Abominations was a very solid album. But, I've been a mig Megadeth fan for years. Take Risk out of their catalog, I've liked every album they've released.

See, I never pay close attention to the quality of riffs in what you could call an unadulterated way: I guess I'm too much a victim of the overall melody of a song. Still playing devil's advocate I'm compelled to ask whether you really really think the guitarwork is technically superior and more original than in the historic Megadeth records (all the way to Rust In Peace, to be specific). Don't you think you maybe like it a lot just because it's new?
Fiction is def DTs best album overall, although Character is quite close. but i am a fan of all of their albums and there isnt one that i dont love, but i just really love fiction. the only album i like more than fiction is figure number five by soilwork, and yes, i realize ill get a lot of shit for that but oh well lol
Fiction is def DTs best album overall, although Character is quite close. but i am a fan of all of their albums and there isnt one that i dont love, but i just really love fiction. the only album i like more than fiction is figure number five by soilwork, and yes, i realize ill get a lot of shit for that but oh well lol

Man, who is reviving all these old threads, is it you?

Figure Number Five sucks by the way, couldn't listen to any Soilwork past Chainheart Machine. Everybody praise "A Predator's Portrait" but that album did absolutely nothing for me.
Man, who is reviving all these old threads, is it you?

Figure Number Five sucks by the way, couldn't listen to any Soilwork past Chainheart Machine. Everybody praise "A Predator's Portrait" but that album did absolutely nothing for me.

You're supposed to revive threads instead of creating new ones when there's already a thread on the topic. I'm no mod or pretending to be a mod, just sayin' that the DT forum is the place to say "I think Fiction is DT's best album." He was just throwing in his two cents. No harm. Also notice the guy only has... like 30 posts and has just joined the forum. So he's obviously new, and being a nice guy, bringing back longer threads that are pertinent to things he wants to talk about, instead of making 5 new ones for himself.

Figure Number Five did suck. Stabbing the Drama is a good album though.
yeah im reviving old threads but not just to revive them. who cares if they are old? ive never read them so theyre new to me lol. and yeah i love every single one of soilworks songs and i know that im the only person that likes figure number five lol
yeah im reviving old threads but not just to revive them. who cares if they are old? ive never read them so theyre new to me lol. and yeah i love every single one of soilworks songs and i know that im the only person that likes figure number five lol

I like one or two songs off Figure Number Five, it's just there's a few songs that are... this is a harsh thing to say... clearly numetal. They're pretty gross.

But that did increase my appreciation for Stabbing the Drama, because I thought they were going more towards a Figure Number Five-type style, and they did not.

On topic, I think the Gallery is DT's best album. Hands down. But the usual posters have heard me say that a million times before. I don't think my opinion on that can be changed. I always hope for it every time DT releases an album, and they don't disappoint with the awesomeness of these albums (except Projector, which I think is their weakest album). But they still haven't convinced me otherwise, Fiction being a pretty damn good album and all.