Finally, the "Best Dark Tranquillity album" thread

Favourite DT album?

  • Skydancer

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • The Gallery

    Votes: 29 22.0%
  • The Mind's I

    Votes: 10 7.6%
  • Projector

    Votes: 22 16.7%
  • Haven

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • Damage Done

    Votes: 27 20.5%
  • Character

    Votes: 14 10.6%
  • Fiction

    Votes: 19 14.4%

  • Total voters
na Maxim I wouldnt say Haven is underrated in relation to DT's catalog, everyone agrees that Haven is a great record, but it just doesn't have the lasting value of the other albums, it loses its pizazz after a while if you will
Well those are among their best albums. It only seems that Haven is fucking underrated...

I think all of the albums are "best albums", so it's hard to say :p .

But I agree; I never thought I'd say this, but apparently Haven is even more underrated than Projector. This, in partly, is untrue because Projector is underrated amongst non-DT fans, but obviously DT fans love it. Now, amongst DT fans, Haven is, undoubtedly, the most unappreciated album, since it has even less votes than Skydancer. I wonder why this is? It's such a brilliant record, and it has some of my fave DT songs, such as Indifferent Suns, At Loss for Words and Rundown.
i agree in some point with VaSA
i would say that The Gallery is the most beautiful album i've ever heard in my life... But DD was just a punch in the face album with the freshness of its 2 predecesors and a new source of power, and Fiction is just perfection :)

i love them all anyway... i think for me it will be #1: the gallery & damage done, #3 fiction :)
Hard choice, since my favorite songs are scattered across all their albums. I think Fiction has to be my favorite, though. Damage Done is a close second.
I voted The Gallery. A lot of my first DT songs came from Damage Done so that´s a close second, but the song that brought me into metal at all was Lethe. That song, and with Edenspring, Punish my heaven, ..mine is the grandeur on the album decides it for me.
I agree, it's probably the most underrated album. I always thought Projector to be very much underrated, so I'm surprised it's got so many votes.

You're relatively new to the forum, so you can't know; but at first everyone around here pretty much disliked Projector, and now everyone pretty much loves it. I do remember a lot of people complaining about the clear vocals and stuff, but then again a lot of those users aren't around anymore. (They died. Not really.) Projector was amazingly ahead of it's time, it even sounds relevant and fresh nowadays, and, as everyone's taste has evolved over time (us listening to Post Rock and stuff); I'm not surprised that it is.

Who knows, maybe in five years, when I reboot this thread, Haven will win.
I guess people weren't expecting Projector to sound the way it did, and while bashing it for being commercial they never noticed how brilliant that album is. I actually loved the clean vocals and Mikael delivers on all cylinders on that album (on every album actually... uum may be not on Lunar Strain :muahaha:).
It's a really hard choice since I love every Dt album in a very different way. Each album creates a unique atmosphere every time I listen to, however I should say The Gallery is my winner this time cause this album includes most of my favorite Dt's songs by far.:)
Man, there is no "worst" albums, each album has an unique sound...
My vote goes to Fiction, I think its the perfect balance between screams, and singing/heavy and light parts.
I had no idea Damage Done had been remastered... fuck :D the remaster makes an amazing album even more incredible.