Actually, I'm surprised it has so few votes at the moment. Even though I find Haven the only DT-album that lost its "spark" after a couple of years (I hope the remastered version will rekindle it), it always seemed to have a great many supporters, both on this forum and other sites - far more than Projector, for example.
Of course, Projector is such a polarizing album that people often end up either hating it, or loving it - only a few people seem to be somewhere between. Personally, I may belong to either of those camps depending on my mood: often I feel like it's their weakest effort, but certain times I consider it the greatest piece of music ever made. It's the only album I feel that strongly about.
What surprises me the most in these results, however, is that Character is ahead of Fiction and Damage Done. Even though I loved Character when it came out (and still do), I was under the impression not too many people thought it was better than DD. Then, when Fiction was released, I thought most people felt like me: Fiction took all the best parts of Character and added a bunch of new, equally great elements to create the best DT album ever. It appears I was alone feeling that way.