Album progress: Getting near the mixing stage!


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Hey guys!

I'm making this thread for all the ones who are new to the forum because I haven't been posting here in like a year now (except the very occasional post here and there).

Yeah, it's a shameless bump for myself and my album in progress :)

So basically, if you're new, you might want to check out my channel on YouTube and subscribe because soon I'll get to the mixing phase and I'm gonna upload some tips and tricks I've used on the album. A lot of people have been asking me how I got the drum sound and guitars and all that so I'll try to explain a little bit in those videos. Meanwhile, here's part 10 to kick it off with for anyone new:

Also, I'm going to make an interview with Gustaf (my singer), about his technique and all that. Meanwhile, I'm also trying to learn how to scream and it's a long process! Today I recorded my warm-up routine and then once warmed up, I recorded a chorus for one of the songs on the album that didn't have any vox on the chorus yet. It's really fun that I'm getting to the point where my screams are useful now and it's very fun to be a part of the vocals on the album so it's not ONLY Gustaf :)

The warm-up:
The new chorus:

I like it!

So that's all for now but stay tuned. Gonna get this baby ready for mixing soon and then it's off to the world... in some way haha. For anyone wondering: I'll probably skip the whole record label thing (if there might be any labels contacting me at the release), and just distribute it via bandcamp or something. Unfortunately it will not be free, but it will cost around 12$ or something (roughly aiming for 100 Swedish Kronors per album). I would give it away free but I've spent almost three years on this and I could really use a new audio interface and a new guitar! :)
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Nowhere near as powerful as Gustaf but that's one of the things you learn quickly when you try to learn how to scream. You can't sound like somebody else, you sound like you. Eventually, power might be built up but still it's you! Though if I could choose, I'd want to sound like Devin Townsend haha. That'd rock.
Do you really feel warmed up after that? I need a good 10-20 min of lip rolls, tongue trills and some vowel exercises in a five tone scale or octave scale before I feel comfortable. My voice will fatigue a lot faster otherwise.

The screams sounds awesome though. Can't complain there, make sure to track some backing vocals to the other songs too.
Do you really feel warmed up after that? I need a good 10-20 min of lip rolls, tongue trills and some vowel exercises in a five tone scale or octave scale before I feel comfortable. My voice will fatigue a lot faster otherwise.

The screams sounds awesome though. Can't complain there, make sure to track some backing vocals to the other songs too.

That was just a little snippet from the warm-up but all in all I guess I spend about 10 minutes on it. I'm not really "there yet", so I don't have a standardized routine for warming up but I found that making stupid noises and pushing the diaphragm while saying "VVVVVVVVVVV" really hard is nice.

Regarding backing vocals, we are using backing vocals rather scarcely. For what reason, I don't know, maybe because Gustaf wanted it to sound as natural as possible from the beginning, but we have added some backing vocals on parts where we thought it was needed. After that, I have found a few more places that needed backing vocals so I added those myself. I know most bands probably have several layers of vocals by default at ALL times but to keep things simple and "clean"/dry, we're going this route.

Thanks dudes! You're awesome. If you could, please help me spread this project by posting links and shit to your friends to any of the videos on my YouTube.

Nowhere near as powerful as Gustaf

Dude is a monster, man. I have no idea where you are starting from but I think it's sounding great.

It's unique and that's just about how most singers should be as you said, sound like you. Everyones voice is unique, screams should be mostly unique too. Style and attitude can be more similar between singers ultimately if you are "going for something", however they aren't the "sound" of a vocal. They are merely just a vehicle in which it's delivered which is important as well.