Album version of DoTF

Mar 13, 2005
Does anyone else not care for the album version of Demon of the Fall? I first listened to this song through a live video on my computer that I watched like 15 times before getting the album. Then hearing the effects done on Mikael's voice through me off and I find it ruins the song for me. I'm probably alone here.
What do you mean by effects?

As far I can tell, it's just his voice with some reverb...

If you are reffering to the first part, I think it's just muliple layers of vocals on top of each other, rather than some effect...
The vocals are overdubbed for the first few lines of the song. I think it sounds great. Mike clearly tries to make his voice even deeper for the song live, and while not exactly replicating the album, he does a damn good job of it.
Never cared that much for the song...dont see what all the fuss is about...
affinityband said:
Its layered up vocal lines each slightly out of time with one another, gives a sort of warble effect. I like it. But like with most opeth, the first thing you hear of them will probably be your favourite.

Thats probably it for me. I only listen to live versions of the song because that overdubbing ruins it for me. I'll try and force myself to get used to it.
Scarlett Letterman said:
Thats probably it for me. I only listen to live versions of the song because that overdubbing ruins it for me. I'll try and force myself to get used to it.

You know what? When artists record albums do you know what they do more? Sometimes, when necessary, they tune the vocals digitally :)

Don't worry Scarlett, Mike's is a excellent singer - you don't have to doubt that!

Sorry if ruined it more for ya :) Take care.
I don't know about anyone else... but the reason I think it is one of their best songs is mainly because of the vocals... the opening lines are insane... and I also love the part when he says "false love, turned to pure hate"
affinityband said:
Its layered up vocal lines each slightly out of time with one another, gives a sort of warble effect. I like it. But like with most opeth, the first thing you hear of them will probably be your favourite.
I really like the way the vocals do that actually. The first albums I heard by Opeth were both on the same day, BWP and Orchid. Neither of them are my favorite, although they are both great albums.
everybody knows that due to the opening riff, the lyrics "false love turned to pure hate," "runaway, runawayyy..." etc plus the acoustic break and the beautiful outro make this song one of their best. DUH. its a great song. yes its been hyped up like crazy, but that shouldnt make anyone think less about it
