Album you're most looking forward to this year?


Nature's Child
Aug 2, 2003
Michigan, USA
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... without a doubt, the new Sonata Arctica album! - judging solely from the album title, album cover (anyone else notice the "hidden image?") and song titles, I'm certain it'll be amazing, to say the least (although, then again, I am quite a Sonata fan-boy :Saint:)! How about everyone else?

I'm also quite excited for the new Ensiferum, Finntroll, Cain's Offering and Insomnium albums too, amongst others I'm sure I've forgotten, haha.
Muncipal Waste

Massive Aggressive is the upcoming fourth studio album by American thrash metal band Municipal Waste. It is expected to be released on August 25, 2009 through Earache Records.
Don't think it will be out this year, expect it in 2010/2011

You are so wrong dude..
2011 NO fucking way. They started with this album in 2005..and updates show that it's probably done soon. I'm hoping for a sweet update soon..If we're lucky it might even end up being released late 2009.
The longest way until release would be max early 2010 trust me.
Don't think it will be out this year, expect it in 2010/2011

At one point I was extremely stoked about this release, however, I've just stopped worrying/caring about it due to the lack of news and, whenever there is news, it's disappointing; of course, all of the circumstances are understandable, however, I wouldn't be surprised if it's never released at this point ... :rolleyes: At any rate, if it is, I'll be at the store on its release date, haha!
Arch Enemy - The Root of All Evil - Oct. 6
Hypocrisy - A Taste Of Extreme Divinity - Nov. 3
Living Sacrifice - The Infinite Order - Nov. 3
Swallow The Sun - New Moon - Nov. 10 (?)

I'm also looking forward to Slumber's new album "Resonance" which should be out winter 2010. There's a couple pre-recorded tracks on the site which are very good. More layered and has more post-rock elements without sounding indie.