Albums currently kicking your ass

The art blows, but the album is good. It's kinda funny that in this digital age album art is still so important. After all, it gives a visual introduction to the album itself, and should ideally convey an idea of what's contained therein. That one... eh.
I assumed it was the cover art of some 80's freestyle album tbh.


This shit is right up my alley thanks for posting that. I just bought the album off amazon for 8 bucks. I also listened to a little bit of another song and that's all I needed to hear. The album art does seem out of place but you have to at least give them credit for doing something different.
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It may not quite be Court in the Act pt 2, but this shit rips! Its the same punk-tinged heavy metal played with the same attitude with a bit more focused songwriting. The solos are less glamorous, but im still banging my head just as hard. These NWOBHM revival bands need to start studying and take some notes if they want to keep up with the old school :headbang:

@ Crimsonfloyd - No love for Show no Mercy either?
^ Absolutely love Satan. And heard a few songs from that album and they were far from displeasing. So far, heard mostly good things about that album.


Still as kick-ass as the first time I heard it. Those blackned thrashy riffs are fuckin love..
They're probably one of my favorite bands of all time to be honest. I don't see them get much respect on here though.


One of my favorite bands as well, they do deserve a lot more love indeed.

I know I'm late for the party, but this is really great. My copy arrived after nearly two fucking months.

Aosoth - IV Arrow in Heart

Getting past the terrible production, this is really hooky anthemic trad somewhere between solo Dio and Vicious Rumors.
World Funeral is one of my favorite albums by Marduk. Some really awesome singsongy songs on that like "Bleached Bones."

In an interview with Enslaved they brought these guys up, and they are really awesome. Psychedelic rock type.

Motorpyscho - Heavy Metal Fruit
