Albums currently kicking your ass

Fuck yeah, was just listening to that yesterday while driving.

When the opening triplets of Triumph come in, thats gotta be one of my favorite Immortal moments ever. Fuck.

Classic album, one of Darkthrone's best, if not the best of at least their black metal period. Loving the Fenriz commentaries though.
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Yea yea Dream Theater has sucked for awhile now, and Labrie's vox have always been a bit subpar. But here, he wasn't forced to sound all gritty and tough by Portnoy/Petrucci and instead got comfortable in his range. So he made some really catchy hooks and the musicians he worked with on this album played some really great groovy stuff to back it. And my God, every solo Marco Sfogli plays is incredible. Anyway this is definitely a top 20 favorite album for me, and its great on a hot summer night.

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