Albums currently kicking your ass

:kickass: Amazing album!

Currently kicking my ass is Black Mare - Field of the Host. They have it for digital download on their band camp, but I rather just buy a physical copy of it.

Edit: @Hafgufa, really cool sound. I remember one time reading about the Holodomor, Ukrainian man-made famine premeditated by Stalin. I had a really old English Ukrainian professor in college who would tell us stories about it since if affected her family, and she wanted it taught in the teaching curriculum so bad she made us research it and write essays about it. Easily one of the most interesting things I've learned in college. Anyways, enjoyed the video and the song.

These guys are going to fucking DESTROY at MDF this year. The more I look into the lineup this year the more excited I get. I counted like 20+ bands that I am interested in seeing, usually I'm sitting at like 10.
I don't know what I think about Agalloch any more. Still like them ofc but...their style couldn't be any less subtle. Not a ton of compositional depth.