Albums currently kicking your ass

Ok, well, I tried not to hijack this thread with this, but looks like no one else wants to take it to the opinions thread. :(

Having Estrangement picked after Microcosmos and Songs of Grief and Solitude is some fucking bullshit. Estrangement is better than both of those albums combined. Easily. The production alone on Microcosmos is one thing that keeps that album at the bottom of my list. Its a good album, I just have a gripe with how it sounds. Especially the bass. And I dont even count SoGaS as a Drudkh album. Its cool when I have my Ipod on shuffle and one of their songs come up as a interlude into another, but as a whole I never listen to that album.

You definitely need to revist Estrangement. I know youll be suprised.

As of today.
1. Estrangement 2. Blood In Our Wells. 3.Autumn Aurora. 4. Handful of Stars 5. Forgotten Legends 6. Microcosmos 7. Eternal Turn of the Wheel 8. Swan Road 9. Songs of Grief and Solitude.

Yeah that's also how I feel about them. I even liked Handful of Stars quite a bit.

I hated this album when it first came out, but it grew on me the more I played it and now I fucking love it. So diverse from all their other material.
Sunwheel is a pretty cool song.

Saxon - Unplugged & Strung Up

Michael Monroe - Horns & Halos

Type O Negative - World Coming Down

Marduk were AMAZING when I saw them live a few weeks back so I've picked up a few of their albums. This one is great.
Sunwheel is a pretty cool song.


Fucking Nasum. :worship:

Hmmm....Im a bit hesitant because I know this is not going to amount to anything close to Alive in Athens. How does Block compare to Barlow?

@Kafka: Haha yeah I'll have to give it a listen or two. I never noticed anything bad about the production on Microcosmos. What about it do you not like?

It just sounds really sloppy and twangy to me. For instance, that bass solo on Distant Cries of Cranes...Just dont like the way it sounds compared to their other albums. Still listen to it though.
It's not as good as alive in Athens, but frankly no live heavy metal album is PERIOD. It's good and stu block has proven himself a damn good vocalist. He sounds a lot like Barlow and sprinkles in extreme vocals to good effect.