Albums currently kicking your ass

I decided to give █████ another shot with some high-end headphones, and... the result was WILDLY different. These albums are fucking incredible.

Demo and a split album, neither have names.


Time for shit that's so heavy it hurts.

Warhorse - As Heaven Turns to Ash

Abest - Asylum

Greenmachine - DAMN

Hail Zetro

GREAT record. I think I actually might like this one better than Rust. Might. Now I think I need to listen to both back to back.

Yeah, Peace Sells in particular has this groovy thrash-boogie feel that almost no one has replicated. Definitely one of the all-time greats riff-wise, at the very least.
Get on Run to the Light and the S/T before you listen to a single new SKR album you faggot. They're excellent albums.


Never heard of this guy before an hour ago, but it's schweet groovy jazz/funk.
Seeing them live this Saturday. They play a good amount of old stuff which is what I like. I can't say I've ever even bothered to listen to any anything after The Skull..
Cool. But well, if you like riffs, you oughtta do yourself a favor and listen to the S/T. (And Run to the light for that matter, like HB said; great stuff.)