Albums currently kicking your ass


My aunt's ex-boyfriend, when I was a kid, use to play this record every Sunday morning without fail. I adored him, so this hits all the feels anytime I put it on.

The one review on MA for this is pretty spot on. "Hammer King. Hammer. King. King of the Hammer. How does it sound? Does it sound like Manowar? Good. Because you don’t even need to listen to one of Hammer King’s tracks to know what’s up. Manowar is up. Steel is up. And glory is up. Do you think you’ve seen it all?"

Edit-->My fuck this is awesome as all fucking hell.

Anyone else love this? Obsequiae - Aria of Vernal Tombs. Call me crazy, but I honestly think this melody-based folksy sound reminds me of really old melo-death in some ways.