Albums currently kicking your ass

Nachtfalke- The Last Battles 3cd.Fuck this along with the trad/hard rock of Vanderbuyst and Black Trip is easily the best new stuff I've heard.All three bands rule because they don't try and be arty or bring anything new to the table they play heavy metal,they know how to play heavy and they do it well.The dude from Moonblood here is about the only musician I know that does the Viking /Hammerheart thing without being a joke or gimmick,epic as fuck and pretty much exactly a mix of Moonblood and Bathory.
Nachtfalke- The Last Battles 3cd.Fuck this along with the trad/hard rock of Vanderbuyst and Black Trip is easily the best new stuff I've heard.All three bands rule because they don't try and be arty or bring anything new to the table they play heavy metal,they know how to play heavy and they do it well.The dude from Moonblood here is about the only musician I know that does the Viking /Hammerheart thing without being a joke or gimmick,epic as fuck and pretty much exactly a mix of Moonblood and Bathory.

used to be very popular around these parts. they have a couple of great tunes. the one with the LOTR theme always made me smile.
I've been loving those Iron Bonehead Moonblood reissues,was blown away by Nachtfalke though..I guess I should have known it would be genius considering who's involved..been sitting in my collection unplayed for ages!
No idea, but he went to fucking Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois about 5 minutes from my home. My friend met Takashi when we visited Japan and got to see Anatomia and Abigail live at an awesome dive bar.